End Of Life Conversations

Thinking about, much less discussing our end of life choices, preferences and final disposition are not everyday topics for the most people. These are conversations that can be difficult - many avoid these topics out of fear of "speaking of it will make it happen". Having open conversations helps us explore the beliefs and fears of our loved ones, as well as our our own. Talking with the important people in our lives can bring us closer together. It also helps us create the foundation of a care plan that’s right for us - a plan that will be available when the need arises.

Our Mission is to educate individuals, families, and our local communities about end of life care and community led after-death care.

End of life and late stage terminal disease care changes focus to quality of life vs quantity and comfort vs curative treatment. Community led after-death care is when individuals who are not funeral directors decide to provide some form of after-death care and allows time to honor the life of the departed.

We are based in northeast Ohio and recognize there is a general lack of knowledge about the end of life care and the rights and possibilities of individuals caring for their own dead.

End Of Life Conversations is a means to offer information to the public via free educational sessions. We believe it is a right, and can be a privilege, to care for members of our own communities not only at the end of life, but after death.